Over the next few days I will be sharing with you someone else’s Whole Foods Challenge. Jackie will be keeping a journal every few days on how her challenge to eat whole, unprocessed, foods goes before she goes on vacation. Here is her First Entry:
I am Jackie and I have decided to start a clean eating project. A little background on me; since graduating college (4 years ago) I have struggled with maintaining a weight I was happy with. I notice I gain weight in relationships since everyone always wants to go eat. I have gone through every diet, but diets suck and they are not made to last. I am a teacher and a cheerleading coach so I am always busy! I needed a lifestyle change.Since the holidays and a terrible break up (nothing cures a breakup like some ice cream, some booze, and chicken wings am I right?!) I have had a hard time getting back into my healthy eating. I have been working out, but abs are made in the kitchen. I have noticed that I have been more tired and feeling bloated. I have 2 weeks before I leave for vacation and would like to be in my best shape.

So I will be blogging my journey and sharing a tip a day with you guys!
Day 1:
This morning I woke up, looked in the mirror, and said “Here we go, today is your day!” I made it through Day 1! I am feeling better, I had more energy so much that I couldn’t fall asleep! I spent an extra two hours watching Serendipity.
What I ate today
7:30 am- I started my day with a blueberry and strawberry Vanilla Shakeology shake. I love shakeology because it’s a great treat, gives me needed vitamins and energy, and is an easy breakfast. I mix it with Almond milk to give it a creaminess.

Todays morning snack included two hard boiled eggs
Lunch- 1/4cup whole wheat mac and cheese, 1 cup of kale and 1 cup spinach
Afternoon snack- greek yogurt and an orange.
Dinner 6 scallops cooked in 2 TBS of balsamic vinegar, some minced garlic, and a dash of onion powder.
-Spinach sauteed with garlic
After dinner- lemon tea!
Today went well. I did a yoga work out tape. Since everyone can do a 30 minute work out!
Today’s tip removing sugar and adding cinnamon!
Everyday I have coffee it’s a religion at this point! However, the sugar is the killer!
Try adding cinnamon to your coffee! It will help curb your cravings for sugar! It also has so many health benefits! It also helps increase blood flow which boosts your metabolism.
