Our First Easter with the Twins

I wanted to share a peek into our first Easter with our twins. This Easter was different for a lot of reasons. First, we now have two beautiful baby boys to love and enjoy it with. They are officially 7 months old. But it’s also the first Easter that I can remember not going somewhere to celebrate with other family members. With our state under stay at home guidelines in an effort to social distance, we did not go to Matt’s parent’s houses or visit friends. Instead, we enjoyed the babies and Easter at home and it was still wonderful.

I had debated back and forth on getting a traditional Easter ham for dinner but the store I went to for groceries (that week it was Target – much less packed than the regular grocery store) did not have any hams in stock. I also debated on the babies getting special outfits but in the end, I did buy them the outfits and soft blankets as their gifts which is allowed on my spend fast. And if you don’t think a soft blanket is a good gift, ask the boys, they love their snugly blankets.

So what did we do? I packed this soft woven basket with a few gifts my friend and my cousin sent us and a crocheted Easter chick my Aunt crocheted. Then we dressed up the boys and let them explore in the basket. They are getting to that stage where they find it fun to pull stuff out of things. It was a hit. And not so surprising, so was the basket. My basket that used to live in the bathroom cabinet now is in the living room in the boy’s play area cause they just love the soft thick cloth basket.

We also took a lot of pictures and took a walk outside in the sunshine. We also ate leftovers and made baby food for the week. We got to facetime and chat with some of our family too. It was a really memorable and precious first Easter for us with the babies.

