So here is my review of the first week on the “back on the wagon” model. First lets start here, with a little back ground of why I’m doing it.
And a few of the guidelines I’ve set for myself:
Step 1: Set a small achievable goal – eating out only 1 time a week
Step 2: Step off the scale
Step 3: Dump the bad foods, stock up on the good ones
Step 4: Meal plan and meal prep
So here’s how I did…Number 1: Eat out only 1 time per week: That didn’t happen. I ate take out 3 times week 1. Although it wasn’t just the one time I set up, it’s a lot less than normal so it’s a step in the right direction. Last week (week 2) I was beyond stressed so I ended up eating take out almost every single day.
Here’s how I paid for that: My skin broke out last week, and I was tired and sluggish on top of being stressed. And, to top it all off, I had a recurring stomach ache that seemed days long. That’s what happens when you eat take out like that. So, as for this week…I’ll be avoiding take out – the thought alone makes me cringe. (I will reevaluate how often is realistic for me to eat out as well after this week…1 time might be too drastic of a change.)
Number 2: Step off the scale: I am really proud of myself about this one. I have no stepped on the scale. Not once. In fact the longer I stay off of it, the less I want to be on it. I know that a few weeks from now as I become more grounded in the habits I’m developing and trusting the process.
Number 3: Dump the bad foods, stock up on the good ones. This one I did a lot better on. Week 1 was fantastic with eating in. Week 2 I got the healthy food and then spent a lot of time eating food I bought elsewhere. However, yesterday (the end of week 2) I decided enough was enough with the take out. I was doing myself no favors and had a fridge full of good foods. \
So yesterday I meal prepped in anticipation of week 3. And I feel so good about it. I used all the foods I had left from the week and turned them into about three different meals that should last over three days with leftovers.
That was such a big moment for me. I was feeling like I failed because stress had taken over and I had spent the week making poor food choices. But right at the end I decided I wanted back on track and now have a fridge full of delicious meals waiting for me. In fact, today I ate several meals and spent almost no time cooking. It was so glorious!
Number 4: Meal plan and meal prep: Well that last one answered that. Even though week 1 I did a little of that, and week 2 I didn’t, technically at the end I made a big save by using all my good food and turning it into meals.
I think that as I’m getting back on track, there are going to be missteps. There will be times when I feel too stressed to cook (but not right now cause I got’s meals readddddyyy! lol) and I go get take out. As long as I keep finding myself and pulling myself back to where I want to be, I feel good about growing on this journey.
So what’s next? Well this is day 1 of week 3. I will be sticking to these four goals again this week, and adding one more. And I struggled for a little while deciding on what that was going to be. In fact, I almost was just going to try and do meal prepping and planning as a goal again and try to focus. But after bring myself back around and getting back on track I think I’m ready for another step.
Step 5: Drink more water, every day.
This seems so simple to some people. And occasionally it’s easy for me. For example, summer time I find myself carrying around 2-3 water bottles in my purse and drinking constantly. However, as fall approaches I sometimes will have a big water first thing, and then at dinner time realize I haven’t had another drink since then! NOT GOOD! Just because I’m not feeling hot, doesn’t mean my body doesn’t need hydration.
The temperature here has dropped quite a few degrees in the last two weeks, and I all of sudden find myself leaving my water bottle at the house more. I also noticed my skin in becoming exceptionally dry. Listen to your body! I know I need more water, so that is why it’s my goal number 5.
Also – Just a quick side note – It’s amazing what just 48 hours of eating healthy again and hydrating properly will do to clear your skin. For years I struggled with adult acne, and couldn’t find the right creme, wash or mask. I’ll have to get more into that another time. Until then, enjoy your week 3 as well!
Keep your eyes on the goals. One thing that helps me is writing out the goals and putting them as reminders in my phone. That seriously works!
This weeks goals:
Step 1: Set a small achievable goal – eating out only 1 time a week
Step 2: Step off the scale
Step 3: Dump the bad foods, stock up on the good ones
Step 4: Meal plan and meal prep
Step 5: Drink more water, everyday.