What’s the hype about buddha bowls?
Buddha bowls are increasingly popular and for good reason. It’s an easy way to combine really simple ingredients with a little bit of seasoning. The ingredients usually speak for themselves. I made these very simple through the quickest prep methods so that not only would these come together quickly, they also all cook quickly and take almost no prep time.
I will break down the three components of this meal to make it easy to prep them all at the same time. It’s very quick and you can do this all at once.
Broccoli (2 lbs)
2 cans organic pinto beans
2 large sweet potatoes
1 large sweet onion
2 tbs olive oil
1 tbsp Italian seasoning
Butter (optional)
For the Broccoli:
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and chop all of the broccoli.
In a large bowl drizzle the olive oil over the broccoli and massage in thoroughly with hands until completely coated.
Season well with salt and pepper and massage into broccoli again with hands.
Line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil and lay broccoli in one flat layer, trying not to have to much overlap.
Place in oven and bake for 13-17 minutes until the edges turn brown.
For the Pinto Beans:
Heat a large saucepan on the stove and pour in a few tbs of water.
Dice up an entire onion and place in the simmering water and let the onion cook down and add in half of the Italian seasoning.
Once the onions are cooked down, add in both cans of drained beans and the rest of the seasoning.
Simmer until thoroughly heated through.
For the Sweet Potatoes:
Using a fork, poke a few venting holes in the skin of the potato.
On a microwave safe plate place two potatoes and heat on mid-power for 5-6 minutes.
Then flip the potatoes using a fork and heat again for 5-6 minutes or until fork tender.
Repeat with the last two potatoes.
Once cooled, cut each potato in half and scrape out the sweet potatoes and mash gently. Add butter if desired.
To Assemble:
Take out 4-6 large meal prep dishes. I prefer the pyrex bowls that are easy to build these in or the small rectangular ones. Divide all ingredients equally among your bowls. These bowls can also be made with a chicken topping for those who are looking for another protein source.
Then just put these in the fridge and warm up and enjoy whenever you’re ready! I top mine with some hot sauce and salsa. Other great toppings are greek yogurt and even a little bbq sauce!
What’s in your buddha bowls?